Group Survival

To survive as a group, activity must be organized so energy won’t be wasted. Just because you are more people in a survival situation don’t mean that you will have an easy time. The more people, the more difficult and confused the situation will seem, and hereby the greater the group’s problems will seem. All persons can have different training or positive mental attitude. Some might be injured or don’t agree with your priorities of work.

Group Morale.

Changes in attitude or moods on just one or two persons in a group can have a large impact on the rest. Morale and discipline must come from each person and not external pressure. Delegated or shared responsibilities and a well-planned work plan for survival, can often prevent negative attitudes and even stop a growing panic.

As an individual you will feel strengthened and protected when you realize that you can trust on the others in your group.  As a group you will be able to formulate goals to help each other surviving.

Factors that Influence Group Survival.

There are numerous factors that will influence whether a group can successfully survive. Informing the group of all aspects of the work plan will help tem to know what to do and when to do it. Take in consideration that you must plan for ordinary circumstances and emergencies.

When selecting specific persons for a task, make sure if he or she are capable to do it. Remember that the person often does the job that most closely fits his or hers personal qualifications, especially in a survival situation.

If you are the leader, informal or formal, you must accept the responsibility for the final decision, and you have to be able to take suggestions and criticisms from others without getting angry or stressed. Also as the leader you will have to make on-the-spot decisions that must be acted upon immediately to ensure survival success.

Make a check of all your equipment and let the group members tell each other of their survival knowledge and skills. This will boost morale, self-confidence and the group’s positive mental state.

Cocoon-like Existence.

People bundled up in many layers of clothing and with their head covered by a hood, tend to withdraw within themselves and to assume a “cocoon-like existence”. This is caused due to the persons hearing and field of vision will be greatly restricted, and therefore he will become oblivious to his surroundings. His mental awareness will be sluggish and although he might look at you, he does not see you. As a leader you must identify and overcome these symptoms. You must always be alert and prevent people from sinking into this dangerous state by activating and motivating them.

Without a positive mental attitude it only takes a very few people to hinder the group’s survival.